Sunday, July 8, 2007


Today was our first day really riding in Missouri, and although it was fairly short ~68 miles, it was hot and windy. We got up 30 minutes early as we do on days that are over 90 miles or 90 degrees, so Becca so kindly woke me at 5 am. We were on the road by 7 and the first few hours were quite pleasant even though we were on some busier roads. As the day wore on and it warmed up we began to face a decent headwind and the long rolling hills that are infamous to cyclists who ride in Missouri. I spent the morning riding with Sarah and we got to lunch around 10:30. I decided not to hang around at lunch too long and left sometime around 11 I believe. I rolled into our host town, Moberly, MO, around 1:30 to find it nearly deserted. In fact as I chalked the last turn a gust of wind blew an empty bottle across the road in a scene that was eerily reminiscent of an old western with a deserted street and tumbleweed blowing across the street.

Tonight we are staying in the Destiny center which is a religious club for young adults and is an amazing facility, which includes showers, a lounge room, pool tables, table tennis, air hockey, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2, and of course the all important wi-fi.

In just 2 days we'll roll into Lawrence for our big 3 day build and a welcome 3 days off of the bike. I know I didn't have a chance to post pictures on my last blog due to a slow connection so I've included a few here.

Crossing the Mississippi into Missouri.

The above two pictures I took in Pittsfield on my way back from writing the previous blog. As you can see the night was amazing and the signature octagonal courthouse was lit up quite nicely.
An old barn on our way to Hannibal.
On our way to Hannibal passing through the Mississippi river valley.
The mighty Mississippi as scene from US36.


DWA said...


The picture of the courthouse is beautiful.

I wish you health.

Sandy Archer

MojoMan said...

Well, it took much UNDER 15 minutes to appreciate the blog posts, journal entries and photos you keep sending, even if it took a little OVER to post a comment. Thanks and keep up the good work.

It's a real comfort knowing Dave has such a strong and experienced rider to bike with.

Al Mollitor (David's Dad)

Anonymous said...

Hi Nathan,
It's fun to follow you on your trip. Pittsfield is former Anderson country. I've been there before with Paul. Good Pictures!

Anonymous said...

You seem to amaze me but I knew you would and could do this. The blog is wonderful and oh the pictures. Wish I was there with you. Keep it up and be careful.
Love you, MeMe

LaurenFCS said...

The pictures are so great! I am excited to hear about your build time in Lawrence. Hope all continues to be well.

Lauren :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the group was thrilled to cross the mighty Mississippi. It is quite a river. It is too bad you couldn't cross Missouri on the KATY Trail which runs 225 miles from St. Charles to Clinton. It is the longest Rails to Trails trail in the US. It is a state park all the way.

And by now you have also crossed the Missouri River, probably at St. Joseph before going south to Lawrence.

Good biking days in Colorado right now.